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acrylic, art -

This is about my second fairy painting. I am going to call it a day as far as paintings are concerned. I want to return to drawing my graphic novel. It took me a really long time to make my daily blog. The issue was that Kingdom Hearts came yesterday. At the moment, I am in the Toy Story world with my brother. The toys are a combination of the American ones and the Japanese ones. One of the bosses was a BJD doll. She resembled a lot mine, so it was a lot of fun. I am not going...

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art, painting -

This is a new acrylic painting and the like. I am almost done with my acrylic painting series. I am more or less bored with painting acrylics. I painted this cutie a couple of days ago. I am still mellowed out about it. When is that stupid Kingdom Hearts 3 coming home? I designed the fairy after a male butterfly. The posing was a little bit hard around the edges. I wanted to showcase the wings without doing a traditional classic front profile. I am really bored and the like. I think this is just about it and the like....

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art, book, front cover, watercolor -

Recently, we got around to publishing our graphic novel The Furies. As before, we usually have a lot of arguments about the arrangement. It is a bit of a bother, if you think about it. We had to republish it because the color pages made manga more expensive. The stupid computer assumed that the entire book was in color, when it was mainly in Black and White. What a bother indeed. We have been talking about mirror mode and fixing the order of the panels. Whenever I call him on something he gets really annoyed and personal. Some things cannot...

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art, dress -

Today is just another date in paradise. I had somewhat of an interesting dream. I wrote it down for later usages. My next collection of short stories are only going to focus on dreams. I also work with my brother’s dreams as well. Very few people are capable of true cooperation. I helped him a lot, and he has helped me. My mother wanted us to get along. Her brother and sister never got along with my mother. She always wandered why. I suppose it is always the curse of being the youngest sister. Younger sisters tend to be spoiled....

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art, cute, fashion -

This is another pair of dresses that I am working on. Before getting back to it, I want to finish my pose book. It is going to feature a bunch of maidens doing poses. As of lately, I am a bit annoyed. Some of the archaic words I use, recently got very bad meanings. As such, I have to think twice before using them. I learned English by reading old books. I never bothered to read much of anything from this century. The last modern book I read was the Harry Potter books. I also read Ramona the Pest, Goosebumps,...

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