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Tri-Ace: Valkyrie Profiles 2 Game Review I have been waiting for Valkyrie Profiles 3 for the last 10 years. The third part was supposed to be for Hrist. I guess the old gal never got her game. She will always be stuck playing second fiddle. Anyhow, the second part was about a princess named Alicia. She was the reincarnation of the Valkyrie Silmeria. Due to a fluke, her body was already taken and there were two Valkyries on earth at once. This was forbidden. Since it was Hrist’s turn, she wanted Alicia dead. The game features both Alicia’s personalities. As...

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Star Ocean Integrity and Faithlessness Game Review I got the new star ocean game just two days ago. Overall, I have been having a lot of fun. The one main thing I would change about the game is the main character’s name. The bastard is called Fidel. Everytime, I hear his name I cannot help but think of Fidel Castro, so it is a bit annoying. Another thing I did not like was the saved spots. I wish this game would get with the program. It is called Autosave. It works a lot better than safe spots. For those that...

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Today, I did a Hollow Knight Mario Kart parody. I swapped out all the Mario characters for Hollow Knight bugs. In the foreground, I have the Pale King. He has the only kart with chainsaws. As the King, he is a bit of a cheater. He always has to be number one, no matter the cost. For his princes, he gave them karts that have normal wheels. This makes it easier for him to ruin the carts of anyone that dares to approach him. He is the type of King that wants to rule forever, no cost too great.  ...

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Megaman 6 Game Review Megaman 6 was the first Megaman game that I played. It was for the Play Station 1. Basically, we have this cute little Megaman. He was a boy that was turned into a Robot. For a while, I thought he was a guy in an armed suit. How I discovered that he was 100% robot was an interesting story in it of itself. Remember, that I did not speak English at the time. In this Megaman game, there was this random robot that came from the Stars. Dr. Light sorta healed the guy. He then rescues...

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NINJA warriors Again Super Nintendo Game Review The last super Nintendo game I am going to rate is Ninja Warriors Again. Basically, there is this really bad dude. It is up to a team of three cyborg robots to defeat him. The main character is a Ninja Robot girl who uses double blades. There is a skinny male robot Ninjas that fights with wrist sword. The third guy is a muscle head. He punches and has a dash move. The girl is quite varied; however, the skinny guy works better most time. You can change your helper after each mission....

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