painting RSS

alcohol ink, painting -

Today, I wanted to show you my latest ink art paintings. I was trying to do basic abstract shapes. So, I chose to make heart paintings of all the colors of the rainbow. I am exaggerating a bit.   I mostly did primary and secondary colors. The painting was done with Pixiss ink and paper. I especially like the paper. It is just perfect for these types of ink arts. I have enough paper to make 100 ink art paintings.   So, you can expect to see more of these types of artworks in the near future. In both paintings,...

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fanart, game, games, hollow knight, humor, movie, painting, poster -

Today, I did a new Hollow Knight fanart. In the spirit of Halloween, I decided to do a Beetlejuice spoof. I cannot write that name a third time. So, I have to be careful. This movie is one of my favorites. I rewatch it whenever it is on. If you asked me what was the name of the couple, I wouldn’t be able to tell you.   The only name I remember is the one of the titular character. Then again, he is the only interesting person in the movie. To play this character, I chose the Collector. I fancy...

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alcohol ink, painting -

Today, I wanted to show you my latest ink art heart paintings. I was trying out simple shapes with my ink art paintings. I also wanted to do a heart of each color. The first painting features a red heart. I started with a simple red heart in the middle.   I then added a red ripple effect coming from the middle of the painting. In order to add a bit of interest to the painting, I used the colors blue and green for the empty spaces between the red pulses.   Blue and Green are the split compliments of...

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painting, self portrait, watercolor -

I did two new self-portraits. They were done with ink and watercolor paints. I first drew the face with pencil. I then added the ink before erasing the pencil lines. Lastly, I added the watercolor paints. This is the basic steps I take when painting watercolors. I am going to now talk about the paintings in specific. The first painting I made was done Howard Finster style. I first took a selfie. I then drew myself. I was not trying to do a carbon copy of the original self-portrait. Rather, I am just trying to mimic the style. I noticed...

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fanart, game, hollow knight, painting -

Today, I did a new Hollow Knight fanart. This one is a reference to a Charles Le Brun painting called The Chancellor Seguier. I saw this painting in an art book that I was reading. The book is called What Great Paintings Say.   The Chancellor looked like such a snob in this painting that it inspired me to make this Hollow Knight fanart. I simply changed all the human characters for Hollow Knight characters. Instead of a horse, I used a Grimsteed.   The person ridding the Grimsteed is the Pale King. He is going to the visit his...

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