Ink Art: Purple Heart and Green Heart Paintings

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Ink Art: Purple Heart and Green Heart Paintings

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Today, I wanted to show you my latest ink art paintings. I was trying to do basic abstract shapes.

So, I chose to make heart paintings of all the colors of the rainbow. I am exaggerating a bit.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

I mostly did primary and secondary colors. The painting was done with Pixiss ink and paper.

I especially like the paper. It is just perfect for these types of ink arts. I have enough paper to make 100 ink art paintings.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

So, you can expect to see more of these types of artworks in the near future. In both paintings, I took photographs of their wet and dry forms.

It is interesting to watch paint dry. Sometimes the dried final version looks completely or slightly different from the wet form.

 artsy sister, ink art, green heart

Since ink is a fluid medium, it tends to move about as the paint settles. I also photographed a few painting details.

The first painting I am going to show you features two beating green hearts. There is a half on the top and on the bottom.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

They are pulsing a green aura. As the pulses collide, they form interesting patterns.

I used two different shades of green in order to make both hearts stand out.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

I also fancied that it might create a point of interest.

To balance this painting, I used the color red. I placed a red hue in between all the ripples.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

I added white ink into the red hue in order to give it an interesting pattern.

This made the red hue pulsate with life.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

It also made the background contrast with the foreground.

I ended up making a bit of a split complimentary scheme.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

I think overall it was an interesting effort.

The second painting I wanted to show you features two purple hearts.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

They are generating a pulsing aura that resembles a butterfly.

Both purple hearts are in harmony with each other.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

To create a split complementary scheme, I added green and orange to the background.

They are the split compliments of purple.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

It is useful to make paintings with a color wheel beside you.

I even read a useful book on the subject.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

As much fun as it is to experiment, sometimes you want to remove all the guesswork from your artwork.

I added white dots into the purple haze.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

This gave it good vibration.

I am still learning how to work with these ink bottles.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

For the time being, these two are the last heart paintings that I am going to make.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

Variety is the spice of life.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

Don’t be afraid to try a new craft.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

Who knows? You might just discover that you like painting.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

Well. I ranted enough for one day. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.  

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

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