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This Saturday I visited the Van Gogh Exhibit. The Exhibit took place in the Gusman Center in 174 E Flagler St. Getting to the venue was an interesting experience, in it of itself. The street in front of the Gusman Center was being repaired. We had to park a block away in order to make it to the exhibit. In Miami, they are always destroying and reconstructing streets. Even with a GPS, you still get lost because Google doesn’t know which streets are being blocked. Enough about the driving situation. The interior of the building had a lot of beautiful...

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allura, miami, miami beach, photo, photos, review, tourism, travel -

Last night, I went with my family to see the Allura show in the Faena Theater. It has become a bit of a family tradition to go see whatever new show Faena is offering. The artistry of these shows makes it an enjoyable experience for both men and women. The last one we saw was called Tryst. The new current one is called Allura. We were going to see it last week, but the date was pushed forward to November the 5th. My experience of the show and the food is segmented in two parts. I already reviewed the food....

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On the 5th of November, I went with my family to the Faena Theater. We saw the show Allura. We also came there to overstuff our face. I cannot say much about the drinks because I only had a soda. I photograph the food menu. You can see the food option and how much everything costed. We ordered appetizers, main course and dessert. Even with mother and brother ordered drinks, everything ended up costing less than 300 bucks. This is good considering that inflation is making everything so expensive. Anyhow, back to the food. For appetizers, I ordered some 12...

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I have been going to fool about in the Florida Keys for quite some time. Last month, we visited the place twice. Mainly, I like visiting random shops and places to take cute photos. There is plenty to look at, both new stuff and old stuff.   I even saw a place that had super retro arcade machines. The ride through there is at times a little boring. There is a certain section were the cars usually slow down to watch the boats. Whenever that happens, the ride through the keys ends up taking forever. It is nice to see...

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florida, food, foodies, miami, photo, photos, review, travel -

Today we were going to go out to eat Sushi. When we arrived at the Sushi place, we saw some police cars outside. It was then when we noticed that the entire mall was dark. We circled around the mall, and we found the broken power line. Since the Sushi place was closed, we decided to visit the nearest restaurant that had food that we actually liked. We were not planning to go to Mojitos, but I am glad we ended up going there. The last time we visited the restaurant was in 2019. The restaurant survived the Pandemic. It...

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Artsy's Choice