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painting, self portrait, watercolor -

I did two new self-portraits. They were done with ink and watercolor paints. I first drew the face with pencil. I then added the ink before erasing the pencil lines. Lastly, I added the watercolor paints. This is the basic steps I take when painting watercolors. I am going to now talk about the paintings in specific. The first painting I made was done Howard Finster style. I first took a selfie. I then drew myself. I was not trying to do a carbon copy of the original self-portrait. Rather, I am just trying to mimic the style. I noticed...

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painting, watercolor -

Above, you can see my latest watercolor self-portraits. I like to post them in pairs. These two painters are grouped together because they have similar styles. Gandhi does squares patterns, while Valetova does psychedelic patterns. I am first going to rant about the Gandhi style painting. Gandhi is a West Bengal, Hindu painter. She makes contemporary art and pop art. She always adds grid pattern to all her subjects. I chose to imitate her art because of this butterfly painting. I like painting butterflies. So, doing this self-portrait was just the excuse I needed to paint more butterflies. I used...

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painting, self portrait, watercolor -

Today, I wanted to show you my latest watercolor self-portraits. I took two selfies to use as references. I also used some of the flower photos I have in my catalogue. I photograph flowers and butterflies whenever possible. So, I had plenty of references to work with. The first painting was made Paul Gauguin style. I recently read his colorful biography. Vincent Van Gogh nearly gave him a shave that was a little too close for comfort. Needless to say, Gauguin fled to Tahiti to get away from Van Gogh. Gauguin was a French Post-Impressionism and Primitivism painter. He spread...

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painting, self portrait, watercolor -

Today, I wanted to show you my latest self-portraits. These were the first set of watercolor paintings I made after getting out of the hospital. It felt nice to be able to paint again. I chose two pretty simple styles. I was trying to get back into the flow of making watercolor art on a weekly basis. The first painting I made I was mimicking the art of Rolf Armstrong. He is a bit hard to classify. I think he is pop art. The Wikipedia entry about him didn’t put him under any type of art movement.   He is...

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painting, self portrait, watercolor -

Today, I wanted to show you my latest watercolor self-portraits. I was mimicking the styles of two interesting surrealism painters. I chose those two paintings to mimic because they were the color blue. I was studying what I could do with just the color blue. The first painting I wanted to show you was made by Zdislav Beksinski. He does dystopian surrealism, but he has other paintings that fall under different umbrellas. This Polish painter is unique. Most of his paintings are Untitled. What you see is what you get. I like studying the works of painters that have unique...

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