Teresita Blanco Watercolor Self Portraits: Siudmak and Beksinski Style

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Teresita Blanco Watercolor Self Portraits: Siudmak and Beksinski Style

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Today, I wanted to show you my latest watercolor self-portraits. I was mimicking the styles of two interesting surrealism painters. I chose those two paintings to mimic because they were the color blue.

I was studying what I could do with just the color blue. The first painting I wanted to show you was made by Zdislav Beksinski. He does dystopian surrealism, but he has other paintings that fall under different umbrellas.

This Polish painter is unique. Most of his paintings are Untitled. What you see is what you get. I like studying the works of painters that have unique style. They make for some interesting self-portraits.

 artsy sister, watercolor self portrait, surrealism painting

Above, you can see what I did to my face. I added a lot of frills to my eyes and ears. Eventually, I succeeded in making myself look like a weird fish person.

The second self-portrait is mimicking the style of another Polish painter. This painter is called Wojciech Siudmak.

He makes his money by making science fiction and fantasy book front covers. He also does Album covers. Like Beksinski, I feel that his works can be defined as surrealism.

 artsy sister, watercolor self portrait, cute drawing

They have a dream like quality to them. In my version, I changed the nondescript house for my house.

I added a monarch butterfly for good measure. I had my brother take a photograph of me in a pose similar to the one of the paintings.

Once I had all the elements, all that was left was to combine them in the watercolor paper. I think it was an interesting effort to say the least. I added a few shimmering elements using watercolor glitter paints.

 artsy sister, watercolor painting, beautiful self portrait

This gave me a nice glow around my figure. When you are trying to mimic someone’s style, you are not supposed to make a carbon copy of the original painting.

It is important to add your own artistic flare, here and there. All in all, it was a fun project to make. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

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