Watercolor Self Portrait: Rolf Armstrong and Roy Lichtenstein Pop Art

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Watercolor Self Portrait: Rolf Armstrong and Roy Lichtenstein Pop Art

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Today, I wanted to show you my latest self-portraits. These were the first set of watercolor paintings I made after getting out of the hospital. It felt nice to be able to paint again.

I chose two pretty simple styles. I was trying to get back into the flow of making watercolor art on a weekly basis. The first painting I made I was mimicking the art of Rolf Armstrong.

He is a bit hard to classify. I think he is pop art. The Wikipedia entry about him didn’t put him under any type of art movement.

 artsy sister, popart , watercolor self portrait

He is mostly famous for magazine art. So, I figured that he would count as pop art. He painted mostly with pastels. It was interesting to translate his style to a watercolor medium.

I took a photograph of myself with a fan. I tried to mimic the creepy look of the blonde maiden I used as reference. I think it this drawing came out pretty cool looking.

I am actually proud of it. The second watercolor painting was done in the style of Roy Lichtenstein. He was a pop artist famous for making paintings that resembled comic book pages.

 artsy sister, Roy Lichtenstein Pop Art, painting

After looking through his body of work, I found this painting that would make a good self-portrait. I took a selfie of myself looking a little pouty. With the photo reference, I was able to make the drawing.

The dots were a little messy of a situation. I ended up making them a little too big in the arms. So, I tried smaller dots in my face. This is why it looks the way it does.

 artsy sister, watercolor, pop art self portrait

Do I like the self-portrait that I made? More or less. I liked it before I added the stupid dots in my face.

I suppose I am just going to have to consider it a happy accident. In any case, I hope you like my latest artwork. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.  

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