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drawing, sketch, video -

The first drawing features a maiden hugging a large heart. I thought it was a cute and simple idea. I then added other little hearts for effect. I ended up calling it Love Lettuce cause the dress ended up looking like a Lettuce. I have been working on making some cute drawing Youtube videos. I am getting back into the Youtube thing. I have an old account that after dusting off a bit, has been serving me well. I just need work with things here and there in order to get back on track. You gain a follower here, and...

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bjd, stop motion, stopmotion, video -

 n this video, I did my first hand painted background. I painted the ocean as I had seen it in my memories. I did not use a photo as reference. The sandy texture was done using a bedsheet that had sand color. Sometimes you just have to work with what you got. There is also a thing known as good enough. Anyhow, I featured all the activities I saw at the beach that did not have anything to do with water. There was writing, reading, fishing, playing the guitar and ridding horses. Yes, there were equestrian events in Miami Beach,...

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drawing, instrument, red hair -

Today it seemed like a good a time as any to show you this nice drawing of mine. It features a maiden playing the Appalachian dulcimer. Most folks have heard of the Appalachian Mountains, not so much of the dulcimer. It is just one of those instruments that most folks are not even aware that it exists. Since drawing musical instruments is a bit of my thing at the moment, I made the effort to show you this instrument you probably know nothing about. This fretted string instrument is part of the zither family. It comes with either 3 or...

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flower, garden, gardening, video -

I was thinking of what new stuff to post for today. I then decided to show you how the gardening thing is progressing. The flowers looked particularly nice today. The tomatoes and bell peppers were also doing just fine as well. So, then I figured I would show them to you. I am trying out a new type of filming strategy. Mother said I was a little too talkie. I am toning that down a little bit. I want to give you a moment to absorb the nature and the flowers that surround me. Sometimes it is important to be...

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game, photos, video -

I just remembered a final cheating strategy. If your King and Queen look similar. Swap their locations when setting up the board. It can be an early strategic advantage. Anyhow, I was thinking of what new game related video to make. I have an affinity for more classical type of games. There is nothing classier than a game of Chess. Most players focus on proper winning strategies. Nobody mentions cheating. Cheating is a great way to get a rise out of an opponent that is always forcing you to play chess with them. I never played in a tournament situation,...

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