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Today, I wanted to talk about my visit to the Hubiku Cenote. We had to wake up super early to get on the tour bus. The bus made its way to a couple of other hotels before going to the Cenote. We started in the Barcelo Maya Palace. The ride there took about 2 to 3 hours. It is hard to estimate the passage of time. This Cenote was deep into Maya territory. We saw a small town, and little villages along the way. The internet was extremely spotty. In other locations, the connection wasn’t there either. So, do not...

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food, photo, photos, review, tourism, travel -

Today, I wanted to review the buffet situation in Barcelo Maya Palace. Depending on the time, you can dine in the Snack Bar or the main buffet. Each one offers just about the same thing, but in varying quantities. It is for this reason that I am grouping them together. My first exposure was to the Snack Bar. We had just arrived at the hotel. It was in the middle of the afternoon. It was too late for lunch, but too early for dinner. Under those circumstances, the Snack Bar is the place you are going to have to visit....

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fanart, game, hollow knight, mexico, painting, tourism, travel -

Today, I got around to making a new Hollow Knight fanart. I didn’t do a fanart last week because I was on vacation in Mexico. I do not like announcing when I am going on vacation. I am a pretty paranoid fellow. So, all the new content pops up as soon as I come back from my vacation. Anyhow, this Hollow Knight fanart combines Hollow Knight characters with Mexican imagery. I used a bunch of photographic references to build up the drawing. The pyramid you see in the background is the Pyramid of the Sun from the ancient Maya City...

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dessert, food, foodie, mexico, photo, tourism, travel -

Today, I wanted to rant about the French Restaurant I visited in Barcelo Maya Palace. You need to make a reservation for it in order to be allowed to enter it. None of the menus have prices. This works fine because we went on an All-inclusive vacation. All the food included. You get free house wine or a soda. My mom and brother tried the house wine. It was pretty good. The waiter was polite and attentive. I have only nice things to say about him. This was a four-course meal. I took a photograph of the menu. Now, that...

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cancun, dessert, food, foodie, mexico, photo, photos, tourism, travel -

(Lobby) Today, I got back from Mexico. We had been planning this vacation for the last two months. My brother got lucky in the stock market. This gave us enough to go on a vacation. It had been ages since we had traveled outside of the country. I think the last time we visited Mexico was 6 years ago. With the pandemic restrictions lifting, we thought it was a good a time as any to travel. We used Risa Travel in order to plan our vacation. After speaking to a representative, we chose the Barcelo in Cancun.   We had...

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