Hollow Knight Chichén Itzá Mexican Vacation Fanart

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Hollow Knight Chichén Itzá Mexican Vacation Fanart

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Today, I got around to making a new Hollow Knight fanart. I didn’t do a fanart last week because I was on vacation in Mexico.

I do not like announcing when I am going on vacation. I am a pretty paranoid fellow. So, all the new content pops up as soon as I come back from my vacation.

Anyhow, this Hollow Knight fanart combines Hollow Knight characters with Mexican imagery.

artsy sister, hollow knight fanart, hornet mexican

I used a bunch of photographic references to build up the drawing. The pyramid you see in the background is the Pyramid of the Sun from the ancient Maya City called Chichén Itzá.

Like its namesake, the Pyramid of the Sun is a great place to die of a heatstroke. I am being serious about it.

If you do not have proper covering and water, you will pass out due to the heat. I saw an ambulance taking away some dumb tourists who passed out due to the heat.

 artsy sister, hollow knight fanart, quirrel mexico

I nearly succumbed to the heat myself, but I went to the bathroom to cover myself in water.

It is a pity that I wasn’t able to complete the tour of the place, but I visited this pyramid in the middle of summer, at noon.

The tour guide said that the Mayans used to sacrifice humans to make it rain. Seeing how hot this place gets, I can see why they did that.

 artsy sister, hollow knight fanart, quirrel

I was just about ready to slice off someone’s head, in order to get just a little bit of shade. I am kidding. I am kidding.

Above, you can see the photographic proof that I was in the Mayan ruins. I wish I could have done a sillier pose, but I was literally dying from the heat.

This is no exaggeration. I had a headache and I felt super dizzy. Enough about the sun and the heat. Now, I wanted to talk about the Hollow Knight character’s outfits.

 artsy sister, hollow knight fanart, hornet and quirrell

Hornet already wears a poncho. So, I decided to make it more Mexican looking. I saw this cool painting that featured several maidens with ponchos.

So, I tried to give Hornet that outfit. The purse I got it from a souvenir shop. I thought that it looked nice on Hornet.

Lastly, I gave her a refreshing coconut. Coconut is a great drink to keep you hydrated.

 artsy sister, hollow knight fanart, hollow knight

It has all the sugar and electrolytes you naturally lose, as you walk about Chichén Itzá. Quirrel was dressed like a mariachi.

I thought that outfit would contrast well with Hornet’s poncho. Instead of a Sombrero, I gave him a fancy carved mask.

 artsy sister, hollow knight fanart, hollow knight mexico

He is always wearing a mask over his head. So, I figured that if he went to Mexico, he would get a fancy Mayan mask.

I also gave him a silly little man purse. He uses it to carry his geos and his map. Both are using a Mayan map to get around.

 artsy sister, hollow knight fanart, mexico art

I took a photograph of an actual Mayan paper with Mayan writing. The thing I photographed is actually an astrological birth chart.

The bars, dots, and seashells stand for numbers. The seashell is the number Zero.

 artsy sister, hollow knight fanart, quirrel and hornet

I think I ranted enough about my new Hollow Knight drawing.

I hope you can appreciate all the effort that went into making this silly fanart.

 artsy sister, hollow knight fanart, hollow knight mexico

My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister.

Bye, bye and God bless.    

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