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acrylic, art, painting, pouring -

This week I got around to making four new pouring paintings. I get in a pouring painting mood every once in a while. I try not to overindulge in one artistic path. Like Leonardo da Vinci, I am a maiden of many talents. This is not to say that I think myself as talented as Leonardo. Rather, I want to emphasize that I am a jack of all traits. The pouring paints are my own unique blend of different mediums and paints brands. Pouring paintings tend to use up a lot of paint. So, I am overly reliant on medium...

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art, art history, painting -

I was reading a biography of Gustav Klimt while I was in the can. I like to read while I am doing my business. It is a good way to relax and do something productive with my time. I was looking at the paintings and drawings over the top when I noticed something peculiar. Gustav Klimt can’t paint feet. Well. It is a bit of an exaggeration. He has drawn feet before, but the mere act of drawing them frustrates him. The features painting above is the inspiration of this blog. One foot shows signs of being redrawn like 100...

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anime, art, chibi, hollow knight, painting -

Today, I felt like doing a Hollow Knight painting parody. After looking through all my options, I decided to do parody of Saturn Devouring his Own Children by Goya. Goya was a Spanish painter from Spain who went crazy after Napoleon massacred his people. He had a firsthand view of the terrors of war, and naturally that affected his psyche. The Grubfather in the Hollow Knight devours all his children after you finish rescuing them. You hear them still alive inside his belly. When the knight tries to save them, his nail is unable to pierce the Grubfather’s belly. It...

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art, bjd, painting, photo, photos, photoshoot -

Today, I wanted to do a simple bjd doll photoshoot. I decided to make it art themed. Here, you can see my Bebe doll with some of my paintings. Her dress is Dollmore. I was using my legit paintings for some of the background props.   I also added some nesting dolls that I painted a while back. The palette and the brush are the things I use to develop watercolor painting.   All in all, I was trying to convey an artist studio type of feel. I just didn’t want to make her a regular student.   That would...

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art, art history, history, painting -

Today, I wanted to write a little art blog about my three favorite landscape painters. I wanted to do more, but I really don’t like landscape painting that much. Before photographs, landscape paintings were the only way to capture the beauty of nature. There are two types of landscape painters. I am not saying that one type is better than the other. There is the landscape painter that shows nature as it is. And then, there are the landscape painters that show an idealized form of nature. Both kinds have their own merits, but I am not here to have...

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