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art, painting, watercolor -

Today, I got around to completing my butterfly painting series. I only make these watercolor paintings on the weekend. At the most, I can only make one watercolor painting a day. I could make more, but that would eat away the time I devote to my books. For these paintings, I didn’t have butterfly references. I had to look up random photos of them in Wikipedia. I combined these butterflies with some of my flower photos. These paintings are not supposed to represent nature. There comes a time when you are meant to improvise an artwork. You can only get...

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acrylic, art, painting, pouring -

(Leather Pride Flag) Today, I wanted to show you the latest pouring paintings inspired by Pride Flags. I ended up making two Nonbinary flags. I lost track of which ones I had already made. So, this is why I made two of those flags. The other flag painting features a Leather Pride Flag. I added the heart at the end. When the flag dried up, the black completely swallowed up the heart. The pouring mediums makes the paints too transparent. (Nonbinary Flag) So, never add light colors on top of dark ones. The dark colors will completely swallow up the...

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art, painting, pouring -

(Intersex Flag) For this Pride month, I made a bunch of pouring paintings based on Pride Flags. The first batch of paintings feature intersex, polyamory, drag queen and transgender flags. The intersex flag is the purple and gold flag. In its original form, it is a purple circle without a cross or an arrow. This is a relatively new pride flag, with a simple design. So, I decided to paint it. The polyamory flag is the black, red and blue flag. It has in the middle a pi sign. My pi ended up looking like a camel. (Polyamory Flag) The...

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art, art history, history, painter -

Henry Fuseli is quite the interesting artist. He was active as an artist between 1750s and 1820s. His style is that of Romanticism. For those that do not know (or care) romanticism came about as a challenge to the Enlightenment. While the Enlighten noblemen where thinking that peace and prosperity laid inside the fumes of an industrial factory waste pipe the Romantics where thinking "yeah right". They hated how materialistic the world had become. Fuseli is of this lot. it is for this reason that his art is so fantastic, so bizarre. Like monsters out of a nightmare. His innovations...

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acrylic, art, painting, pouring -

Today, I wanted to show you another four set of pouring paintings. I have gotten into the habit of making them on a weekly basis. The problem is coming up with a theme for each new project. I have the technique. All I am missing is a theme. So, this is what I came up with. The first one I was going for a tree type of feel. It ended up looking a little predominantly green, with some pink glows here and there. The second painting was done with a swiping mold. I painted the first waves before moving it...

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