Glitter Butterflies on Tropical Flowers Three Watercolor Paintings

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Glitter Butterflies on Tropical Flowers Three Watercolor Paintings

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Today, I got around to completing my butterfly painting series. I only make these watercolor paintings on the weekend.

At the most, I can only make one watercolor painting a day. I could make more, but that would eat away the time I devote to my books.

For these paintings, I didn’t have butterfly references. I had to look up random photos of them in Wikipedia. I combined these butterflies with some of my flower photos.

These paintings are not supposed to represent nature. There comes a time when you are meant to improvise an artwork.

artsy sister, watercolor art, watercolor painting

You can only get so far by blindly mimicking nature. So, I combined these butterflies with these floral photos, mostly because they looked good together.

With enough practice, you can develop a sixth sense for color. When I start these paintings, I have a rough idea of what I want the final painting to look like.

As I progress, I may change some elements here and there. In the last two paintings, I made the background green.

I was getting tired of always having a blue sky as a default. The flowers where mainly there for decorative purposes.

 artsy sister, watercolor painting, art

The centerpiece of the paintings where the butterflies. I usually have one dominant butterfly, surrounded by supportive butterflies.

They are there to balance out the centerpiece. I start out with a rough draft of the painting. I first draw the butterflies and then the background elements.

Depending on the space of the paper, I may add or remove a butterfly. This time I used a lot of glitter watercolors. They are just so much fun to work with.

The camera does not do the paintings much justice. I worked really hard on them. This time I made three butterfly paintings.

 artsy sister, watercolor art, watercolor painting

I am going to put the subject matter to rest for a bit. My next watercolor painting series are going to be 10 self-portraits.

Artists in the old days used self-portraits to tell the audience something about themselves. So, I want you to get to know me a little better, through my artwork.

I am going to paint them in the style of different artists. I will talk more about my newest watercolor painting project later.

My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.    

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