Pouring Art: Nonbinary Flag, Leather Pride Flag and Random Oil

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Pouring Art: Nonbinary Flag, Leather Pride Flag and Random Oil

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(Leather Pride Flag)

Today, I wanted to show you the latest pouring paintings inspired by Pride Flags. I ended up making two Nonbinary flags.

I lost track of which ones I had already made. So, this is why I made two of those flags. The other flag painting features a Leather Pride Flag. I added the heart at the end.

When the flag dried up, the black completely swallowed up the heart. The pouring mediums makes the paints too transparent.

artsy sister, acrylic painting, nonbinary flag

(Nonbinary Flag)

So, never add light colors on top of dark ones. The dark colors will completely swallow up the light colors when they dry.

The final painting was made with leftover paints. As I made my pride flag paintings, I started collecting the leftover paints in a bottle.

Once the bottle had enough paint, I poured it into a wooden panel. I added a bit of Silicone oil here and there.

artsy sister, pouring paint, acrylic art

(Nonbinary Flag 2)

I wanted to experiment with its effects on the pouring paint. The places with a lot of oil ended up repelling the pouring paint.

This kept me from completely covering up the wooden panel. The final result is what you see here.

Once the acrylic paints dry up, I remove the oil with a paper towel. Oil takes forever to dry up. It doesn’t add anything to the paint.

artsy sister, acrylic, pouring art


So, this is just an extra step you gotta do if you are working with silicone oil. The Leather painting used the swipe technique.

The other paintings I just made little puddles before tilting the wooden panel left and right, until the artwork was completed.

artsy sister, acrylic painting, pouring art

The final versions of some of them ended up looking completely different. They would drip from one side of the painting.

By the time it dried, the paint that was lost made the finished work look extremely different.

acrylic painting, nonbinary art, pouring art

This is why I take a photo of the wet version of the painting. The final version of my pouring art sometimes looks completely different.

The artwork was done on smooth wooden panels. This makes the paint flow a lot easier.

pouring art, acrylic painting, arts

This saves me the trouble of adding a lot of paint to the finished product. I think I ranted enough about my pouring paints.

My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

acrylic painting, pouring art, paints

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