painting RSS

acrylic, art, bjd, doll, painting -

I was making a new background for Doll Theater. As you know, I have about 4 project boards. In order to get more backgrounds out of them, I am now painting both sides. The outside has the rougher painting. and the inside the stuff I want to keep secured. When it came to the final project boards, I had to work on logistics. So far, I have two types of backgrounds. I have a background and a middle ground. Due to the size of the project board, I painted two scenes. There is one on the top and another on...

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art, painting -

I finally got around to painting the sun. I am using my those project boards on either side. I think need to come up with some new exterior backgrounds. I am trying to keep the backgrounds as generic as possible. I am not good with the building part. I am at least good with the background thing. I think the next one I need to paint is a rural and a cityscape background. Hopefully it will come up decent. The backgrounds have a middle unifying element. Due to the size of the project board, I can do a different top...

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acrylic, painting, pouring -

Most folks just stick to classical white pouring painting backgrounds. It is just easy to work with. White paint is like super cheap. Sometimes you see black backgrounds, but not often other colors. I mainly used black backgrounds for these sets of acrylic pouring paintings. They where useful for making the colors stand out. Colors tend to look a bit more muted when placed against white backgrounds.   So, if you are working with patterns a black, or any other colorful background might be useful. This time, I did not do a video tutorial.   I am not a big...

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acrylic, art videos, painting, video -

I recently felt like doing some pouring paintings. I was so happy to try that artform again, that I also did a few video tutorials. I wanted to show the voices in my head that I knew how to do pouring painting properly. I did about 7 videos. I actually made more paintings than videos. During the last video, my camera almost suffered an accident. I decided that recording pouring paintings was a little too dangerous for my camera. I then decided to not record the other 5 paintings that I made.   You get the gist of the pouring...

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acrylic, art, painting, stop motion -

Last week, I made a new doll video. I worked really hard on the background. I wanted to make it about planetary magic. The background will also serve as the night scenes for the doll video. I will then change the foreground in order to take the dolls to different places. The painting was made in a project board. They are all like super cheap right now because school is closed. No kid is working on a science project right now. I bought about 4 in order to make the backgrounds for my doll videos. I spent about 10 bucks...

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