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fanart, game, hollow knight, humor, movie, painting, parody -

Today, I decided to a movie poster parody. My mother had suggested this poster to me after seeing me play the Hollow Knight. Like Forrest Gump, a lot of the action in the Hollow Knight takes place in the bench. I chose Quirrel to parody Forrest Gump because he is an exposition fairy. He always rants to whoever sits down beside him. The Chibi Knight couldn’t be Forrest because he is a silent protagonist.   Well…he stops being silent once he learns Soul Shriek. His brother the Hollow Knight has a similar scream attack. Like Forrest, Quirrel enters the danger...

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fanart, game, hollow knight, mexico, painting, tourism, travel -

Today, I got around to making a new Hollow Knight fanart. I didn’t do a fanart last week because I was on vacation in Mexico. I do not like announcing when I am going on vacation. I am a pretty paranoid fellow. So, all the new content pops up as soon as I come back from my vacation. Anyhow, this Hollow Knight fanart combines Hollow Knight characters with Mexican imagery. I used a bunch of photographic references to build up the drawing. The pyramid you see in the background is the Pyramid of the Sun from the ancient Maya City...

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acrylic, art history, painting, self portrait, teresita blanco, watercolor -

Today, I wanted to show you two self-portraits I made over the weekend. In the old days, Self Portraits was a way for artists to promote themselves and their skills. In the spirit of that tradition, I made two self-portraits. The first one I made it Van Gogh style. I have a lot of similarities with Van Gogh. I came from a big family that suddenly felt like giving me the cold shoulder. I have a Theo and a nice mother to boot. My big brother Fernando is my Theo. He has been supporting my writing and my artworks since...

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acrylic, art, painting, pouring -

(Disability Pride Flag) Today, I got around to posting the flags I made for Disability pride month. I made three different versions of the disability flag. The other two flags are for bipolar and autism. I hope that you find my new artwork amusing and inspiring. (Disability Pride Flag) I first prepared the wooden panels by adding gesso to it. The layer of gesso had to be really thin. This allows for a smooth flow of the pouring paints. The bipolar flag is not the official flag. I just thought that it was an interesting design for it.   (Disability...

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fanart, game, hollow knight, movie, movies, painting -

Today, I did a silly new Hollow Knight parody. I was getting bored of making painting references, so I decided to reference a movie. In this one, I am mimicking the movie poster of the movie the Birds. The Birds is a famous movie by Alfred Hitchcock. One day, all the birds start attacking humans. They take breaks every so often, before starting again. In the world of the Hollow Knight, the equivalent of those aggressive birds are the Belflies. You first encounter them in the City of Tears.   They attack the player as soon as you approach them....

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