Hollow Knight Quirrel Gump Movie Poster Parody

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Hollow Knight Quirrel Gump Movie Poster Parody

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Today, I decided to a movie poster parody. My mother had suggested this poster to me after seeing me play the Hollow Knight.

Like Forrest Gump, a lot of the action in the Hollow Knight takes place in the bench. I chose Quirrel to parody Forrest Gump because he is an exposition fairy.

He always rants to whoever sits down beside him. The Chibi Knight couldn’t be Forrest because he is a silent protagonist.

 artsy sister, hollow knight fanart, forrest gump parody

Well…he stops being silent once he learns Soul Shriek. His brother the Hollow Knight has a similar scream attack.

Like Forrest, Quirrel enters the danger zone in order to save the Chibi Knight from the giant Jellyfish.

If this was a movie in the Hollow Knight world, the Chibi Knight could be Bubba or maybe Lieutenant Dan.

 artsy sister, hollow knight, fanart

Monomon is Quirrel’s Jenny. She is the reason why Quirrel started his hero’s journey. He visited many places and saw many wonderful things.

Still, everything led Quirrel back to Monomon. He wears the mask of the Woman he loves. You can first encounter Quirrel in front of the black egg.

He is specifically looking at the face of Monomon. Like Forrest Gump, he is ill equipped for the dangers that are headed his way.

 artsy sister, lineart, hollow knight fanart

With a little luck, Quirrel is able to survive the dangers of Hollownest. Forrest Gump also got lucky in Vietnam a lot.

He could have easily died like a hundred times. Like Forrest, Quirrel traveled the entire world, but he was super blasé about it.

 artsy sister, hollow knight fanart, forrest gump

These are all the reasons why I think Quirrel is the Forrest Gump of the Hollow Knight world.

The last thing I needed to figure out is the title card.

 artsy sister, hollow knight fanart, tourism

I used the name of the voice actor to put in the movie poster parody.

I hope you find my new Fanart amusing.

 artsy sister, hollow knight fanart, forrest gump travel

My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

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