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art, game, games, review, video, videos -

It has been a bit of sometime since I reviewed a video game. I used to do game reviews back in my old website. Anyhow… the overall point is that I wanted folks to be aware of Ender Lilies. It has been a long time since I actually had fun with a video game. I had a good feeling about it, when I saw it in the store. I ended up preordering it. The game has a bit of a Hollow Knight vibe over the surface. Still, when you play the game it is its own thing. I also did...

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art, painting, watercolor -

I got my vaccinated yesterday. I went with my brother to the local Publix. The vaccine I took is the Moderna one. Mother took the same, and so I assumed that it would work well for us. There was a slight waiting time. I had to sit there for an hour, whining to get my turn. The lady who gave me the vaccine did a good job. I did not felt the needle come into my skin. It certainly goes to shoe that practice makes perfect. Any fellow who practices a lot gets good at just about anything. So far,...

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acrylic, art, landscape, painting -

I made some new backgrounds for doll theater. I finally used my last project board. I need to come up with a funny skit for my Wednesday episode. I do not even know why I do the episodes on a Wednesday. I normally do the stop motion on a Tuesday. The production line takes about a day. This is why I can only upload the video by Wednesday. I do the voices and my brother does the piano. We try to do something of an original type of music. I do not even know why. It is best to avoid...

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acrylic, art, bjd, doll, painting -

I was making a new background for Doll Theater. As you know, I have about 4 project boards. In order to get more backgrounds out of them, I am now painting both sides. The outside has the rougher painting. and the inside the stuff I want to keep secured. When it came to the final project boards, I had to work on logistics. So far, I have two types of backgrounds. I have a background and a middle ground. Due to the size of the project board, I painted two scenes. There is one on the top and another on...

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art, painting -

I finally got around to painting the sun. I am using my those project boards on either side. I think need to come up with some new exterior backgrounds. I am trying to keep the backgrounds as generic as possible. I am not good with the building part. I am at least good with the background thing. I think the next one I need to paint is a rural and a cityscape background. Hopefully it will come up decent. The backgrounds have a middle unifying element. Due to the size of the project board, I can do a different top...

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