Colorful Skulls in a Stand

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Colorful Skulls in a Stand

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This is a nice little stand featuring a bunch of smiling skulls. Different people have different ideas about the human skulls. The Mexican culture prefers to decorate it. I don't really know why. Maybe it is a Day of the Dead things. Perhaps, they get decorated as so because outsiders consider those reliquaries as purely Mexican. If people buy them, they will make them. People dependent on tourism ponder off their cultures and beliefs to make a buck. 

Some things cannot be helped. People need to eat to survive and sometimes surviving is not enough. People enjoy having nice things. Even people who own nice things also get sad too. Buddha once said that desire was the root of all suffering. Humans crave permanence, but that does not exist in this world. This is why I prefer to live in the moment. The past and the future are both intangible, you cannot grasp it. 

Sorry, for getting a bit too philosophical. It is a result of the skulls. A lot of people used to meditate by looking at a skull. It might be fun to see what sort of cookie ideas come into one's head by staring at a colorful skull. As for me, I am not one to meditate much. I am always brainstorming either a book or another manga scene. When I sit down to write and draw, I already have a good idea what I am going to make. Meditation is best left to Buddhists or philosophers.

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