Dot Hack GU Atoli Eating Cake and Drinking Tea
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I did a poll to decide the food of this fanart. It just hit me that I have never done something with food. I should get some practice drawing them. So, this was the idea behind this fanart.
The winner of the poll was cake and tea. I prefer cake and milk. It works just as well. We can enjoy cake in whatever way we want.
So, I drew Atoli sitting while holding a cup of tea. In the foreground, we have a cake slice and a tower of cupcakes. Hopefully, they look as well as they should taste.
In any case, I figured that more games should feature beautifully rendered food. I hope that this fanart makes you smile. There is going to be a video of this fanart in my Artsy Sister Youtube channel.
Please give a like and subscribe. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.