Floral Acrylic Painting
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This is a new acrylic painting that I made a couple of days ago. I am a bit bored around the edges. I am waiting for Kingdom Heats 3. I was not desiring to get into stuff a lot. I am still waiting for it. I wanted to paint a couple of flowers. I chose the flowers for their meaning and not for the color.
I forgot the name of most of the flowers. The main ones are the daisy, the anemone and the sunflower. I have a lot of white flowers in this painting. More than most people normally put. I think of white as a type of color. I do not interpret it as the absence of color.
This is why there is at least three flowers mainly featuring the color white. Ideally, you can flip the painting around and see it whichever way. I do not recommend it, because I painted it to be looked a certain way. The best way to note the position is by the center one. It droops downwards, with the gravity.
Use this one as a frame when setting up the painting. Then again, I am assuming that a fellow is going to eventually buy it. I do not entertain such notions. If I was obsessed about selling my paintings, I would not have fun making them. I thank my lucky stars I have some folk that support me. Still, I do feel sheepish.
It would not be such a big deal if the books became like a major hit. This takes time and promoting. Most people do not warm up to unknown artists, let alone one who writers a bit gimmicky. My current inventory has attempts at literature in the fantasy genre.
There is not one book that reads the same way, or has the same pacing. My current inventory is going at a snail pace, for the most part. I am trying to follow the action day by day, with minute time jumps. Anyhow, I hope you like this painting a lot. I worked pretty hard on it.