German Girl from the 1100s

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German Girl from the 1100s

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This is quite the cute German girl I drew. I was using my new skin color pencils. They are a little fatter than the usual pencils I employ for my drawings. It takes a bit to get used to it. I was not too much into having another series of pasty faced maidens. Drawing skin is one of the hardest things to manage. It is even more annoying when dealing with white people. They have way too many reds and picks to work with.

However, I was in the mood for a change of pace so here is the girl. A lot of those little drawings books I see do not feature red headed maidens. I do not know why ginger is so taboo. Actually, I do know. Catholics tend to believe that ginger is the devil's hair. This superstition was later picked up by the Protestant fellows. People also have issues with left handed people. Such a pity. Then again, if you root enough everyone has an issue with everyone.

People will always find excuses to demonize and dehumanize their fellow man. It makes it easier for them to kill. So, whenever someone starts bragging about their awesomeness and how they are better than anyone, that fellow is a killer in potency. Stay humble! That is my little advice of the day. This rant has nothing to do with the fact that I am featuring a dress worn by a German girl. I think German people are nice, even if their language sounds like someone being chocked. 

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