Halloween at the Florida Keys

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Halloween at the Florida Keys

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A couple of years ago, some of mother's friends took us to the Florida Keys during Halloween. She went along with them because she was curious about the place. As for me, I went because I usually have to go everywhere with my folk. They do not like having fun without me. I spent most of my time taking photos of people as we walked about. I did not dressed up because it was all in such short notice. I was also not much in the mood for making a spectacle of myself. This photo was taken close to sunset. Even by then, the place was extremely crowded. We ended up returning home close to midnight.

There was a lot of traffic and twist and turns out there. There was a caravan of people who had enough of the place and wanted to get home. This is just how it is . People hear of a nice place and then it get so crowded that hardly anyone can enjoy the festivities. This is what happened to the parks in Orlando. I found them more enjoyable when I could actually get into the rides. Now, I do not have the patience for it. Just think about it. You pay like 200 bucks just to stand in line. I mean, is that how you want to spend your vacation? I can think of better places to spend one's money. 

As for Key West, it was just the sort of place one would expect. It was like watching Mardi Gras in New Orleans. There were people of all ages watching the show. The costumes ranged from tasteful to outright gross. Later at night, some rich people started feeding the little people by throwing cash at them. They found it amusing to see them jumping and pushing one another just to get a couple of bucks. Before the parade, the police passed by with dogs sniffing for explosives. The parade was delayed for a hour, before it finally started. I think they must have found something, but they did not want people to panic. 

This is just the world we live in today. We all have to worry about douches ruining everyone else's fun. Aside from the hidden douches, there was the usual evangelists calling people sinners and the like. This reminds me a bit of the behavior of the Pharisees. They were quick to judge others, focusing on other's sin, without paying attention to their own malice. I mean they may pretend to care, but all they want is more sheep to bleed. Then again, I am just assuming the preachers are douches. Still, historically speaking I am always a good judge of people's character or lack thereof. 

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