How to Make a Pico De Gallo and Ceviche

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How to Make a Pico De Gallo and Ceviche

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Both the Pico de Gallo and the Ceviche utilize onions. So, if you have a lot of onions about, you can make these tasty snacks.

I made a video tutorial of how to make both. They show the step by step instructions.

The Pico De Gallo goes well with Quesadillas and you can add it as part of an ingredient for your Tacos.

You can also just eat it with Tortilla chips. It is just a useful little add on. As for Ceviche, it is a type of appetizer or snack.

It goes well with Moscato. Ceviche is usually made with either shrimp or fish. Both are usually left in the fridge for a bit before eating.

The lemon juices tend to cook the other ingredients for a bit. With the salt, it also preserves it.

I hope you find my two video tutorials amusing. I worked really hard on making the food thing with my mother and my brother.  

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