Random Trinkets from Punta Cana

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Random Trinkets from Punta Cana

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Close to the end of the vacation, some of the locals were allowed to set up shop inside the hotel. Despite being a Caribbean country, all the goods there were worth an arm and a leg. Just a couple of trinkets were worth 110 bucks. This country uses the barter economy. You must be ready to bargain in order to get something that resembles a good deal. I bought a little Virgin Mary figurine made of stone. It looked completely different from everything else being sold there. 

My mother bought a cross made of red coral. The coral is an endangered species. The locals use it a lot to make jewelry. This is real sad, and the like. The rest of the jewelries were Larimar set in silver. There was also a lot of fake trinkets made of plastic. The larimar is a semi-precious stone only found in the Dominican Republic. It is a blue variety of a silicate mineral. It is usually light blue, or light green.

They are usually set in sterling silver. I chose for my brother a fancy round necklace, for his girl. The seller was really talented and the like. He even burned the stone to show that it was for real. He made a really clever sale pitch and the like. Aside from the jewelry, there was a couple of little wooden carved statues. The one I got was the only one made of stone. He actually seemed surprised that the little stone virgin was within his roster. 

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