Ruminations on My Roses

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Ruminations on My Roses

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I haven’t bothered to write any new blogs for a week. I have been like super busy writing my new book. I think it is going to be a fat type of book. I ordered some doll clothing I am waiting for.

It will be here any minute. The summer has made a number on my plants. Almost all the tomato plants have gone the way of the dodo. The Papaya plant is growing nice and big.

pink roses, gardening, cute

The sunflowers do not know where to stop. They keep getting taller and taller. I still have some squash plants. They have not produced any flowers yet. They do seem to have the intention of continued growth.

I have been window shopping for new dolls. I want to wait to see if anything cool comes out. For now, there are items I am interested in. Still, not enough for me to fork over the money.

 yellow rose, roses, gardening

I am like half asleep at the moment. I started to go to sleep a bit earlier. Now, I feel like super sleepy all the time. At least, my rem cycle is becoming regulated. We ate pasta the other day.

It was really yummy. Now, I need to eat a silly salad. I like French Fries as well. We bought some to eat. All that we are missing is a sandwich. Every so often it rains a little, here and there.

 artsy sister, roses, gardening

We have not gone out at all since we came back from the vacation. Everything went back to being a bother again. The Scary Cat book is progressing nicely.

I think I am almost done with it. Well, this is enough about my ramblings. I hope you like my new floral photography.

From time to time, the garden puts out a new rose. They are all fun to look at. This is Teresita Blanco, the very sleepy Artsy Sister, yawn. Bye, Bye and God bless.

 gardening, roses, flower

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