Saung Instrument Music Anime Drawing

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Saung Instrument Music Anime Drawing

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Saung is a Burmese music instrument. It is the only surviving harp of Asia. This instrument comes in different shapes and sizes.

The saung is typically made of lacquer, and it is decorated with cotton tassels. The instrument usually has 16 strings.

The instrument was into Burma around the year 500 AD. It is said to have originate from somewhere in Southeast India.

There are 14th century song poems that were companion pieces for the instrument. Still, there are not a lot of surviving music sheets for the Saung.

The instrument was brought back during the Konbaung Era (1752-1885). The Burmese King Hsinbyushin destroyed Ayathaya, and he took with him a lot of Siamese musicians and actors for his court.

These musicians started to make innovations for the harp. In the 18th century, the instrument was introduced to the Qing Dynasty of China. Most Burmese Saung music records focus on the song, but none of the musical notations.

The music is passed down from teacher to student. These days the instrument still gets played and there are live recordings of the music.

I hope you have fun learning about this lovely musical instrument. This is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, Bye and God bless.

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