Windsurfing in Miami Beach

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Windsurfing in Miami Beach

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This is just another one of those kite surfing photos I have. There really isn't much to get amused by in Miami Beach. There was for a while horse, but they have gone the way of the mammoth. The place were those events took place became a tad expensive and now all the beaches are privatized. Frankly, it has become cheaper to vacation in another country than in the actual US. So, when you get a chance get out of the  country a bit and see the world. Just be careful with all the pickpockets that usually roam in those resort towns. 

I saw an entire show about different pickpocket techniques. Don't let people get too close and always carry your possessions close to your chest, like a new born baby. I am close to going on an actual vacation real soon. If the weather feels like cooperating, then I might come back with some decent photos. The issue is the humidity. It tends to fog up the lens of the camera. It is really annoying to be always cleaning them up. I wish there was a way to avoid that.  

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