Anime British Girl in a White Dress circa 1780

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Anime British Girl in a White Dress circa 1780

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This is another one of my new anime drawings. I am still doing a bit of research for my next painting. I think I will now have Alice underwater. I do not want to do a coral reef cliché. I also do not want to make the image too dark. If I have her in the deep, she will be in a black panel, surrounded by bioluminescence fishes. Fishes are ever so interesting. I tend to watch a lot of documentaries about fishes. I also like seeing shows about interesting looking houses. From time to time, I recognized certain places. Some of the houses resemble places I have seen in my dreams. I am always trying to recall all the dreams I have. They make interesting short story subjects. It certainly saves on time of coming up with stories. Most people tend to come up with stories, through story boards and research. I prefer to dream up a good story to write down. It may take some time, but at least it guarantee a larger degree of originality. This only applies to dreams that do not infringe on other people’s copyright.

Needless to say, I tend to dream a of Aliens and of Jeepers Creeper. I do not know why both monster freaked me out so much. These days, if I dream of Alien, it is my cue to tune out. I tend to tune out by waking up. I have gotten really good at waking up. People tend to be so helpless when dreaming. One day, I decided not to have anymore nightmares. I do get something similar to nightmares from time to time, still I am not afraid. If I see that things are turning sour, I wake up. You can choose not to have nightmares. It took a bit of time, but it is manageable. It is all about working with your mental mind. You have to decide something, and then your brain will make it happen. Aside from Aliens, and Jeepers Creepers, I would sometimes dream about zombies. The zombies do not look like those in the movies. They are look regular people who are acting all irrational, and want to tear you to pieces. I suppose a psychologist would say that I have social anxiety. I do not get anxious near people.

artsy sister,art supplies,anime wallpaper

Rather, I am always on guard. Only fools blindly trust in others. Lack of trust is not necessary to work together with others. I can tell you this for a fact. I did a bunch of group projects in school. It never stopped me from making process. Most of the time, the other douches did not do anything. The teachers for the most part forced you to stay there. I could rant more about group projects and public schools. By now, you already know my opinion about it. If you have money, keep your child out of school. Get him a tutor or something. Schools just turns perfectly nice kids into douches. The issue is that bullying is not punished. The only people who get punished are those who stand up to their bullies. Teachers just turn a blind eye, because they are not paid enough to care. As the saying goes, evil will triumph as long as good people do nothing. It gets so bad, that even good chumps turn into bullies in order not to be bullied. I suppose some things cannot be helped.

This is one social problem that everyone keeps putting off. My solution would be systems of surveillance. If students misbehave, give their parents a 300 dollar fine or something. Repeated offenders should be sent to military school or to a Catholic school. They should have a three strike system.  After three offences, they are kicked out of school. You come there to learn, not to antagonize your fellow peers. I know you cannot legislate moralities, but you can simulate the fear of God with cameras. Well, these are just some of my silly ideas. I am not the sort of person to tell others how to live their life. There is more than enough douches out there telling you have to live. Still, I wanted to share my crazy ideas. Well, let us more right along. The drawing was made with leda art supply paper. I first did the lines with my ever trustful Royal and langnickel 2H pencil. I then added the pen lines. The pens are Stabilo mini and one Morris Bamboo marker. The rest of the coloring pencils are from the Art 101, and from my Derwent pencils. For erasing mistakes, I used my pentel eraser.

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