Anime Drawing of a Maiden Wearing a Belgium Purple Dress circa 1895

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Anime Drawing of a Maiden Wearing a Belgium Purple Dress circa 1895

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As of now, my mother is on her vacation. She made lunch, and now she is a bit at a loss as to what to do with her time. I suppose I could suggest cleaning the house or whatever, but she usually requires help, and I am not in that particular mood. We saw the whole thing on TV, with the presses and the problems. There hasn’t been a day when I am not particularly amused. Frankly, I would much rather be playing the Messenger. It is a really good Switch game. As of now, I already defeated the mushroom monk. It was a bit of a difficult boss. This was done last night. With my mother, I saw a couple of bad movies. There was a good one called Hurricane Heist. I like weather movies. I always find it humoring to see humans trying to deal with weather problems. Weather affects us all, weather is not political, even when people try to make it an issue.

For millenniums, humans  have been trying to make sense of weather patterns. In those days, they blamed the stars, and the Gods for most events. These days, the new cause of all the problems are Fossil Fuels. At least, that is the general consensus among the scientific community. I have my own issues with the science department. Like the Catholics of yonder, they scoff at traditional methods and at communities who have been observing weather patterns for far longer. Through their communal history, they have at least 2000 or 4000 years more visual data on the matter. All in all, science people are just another group of chumps who are fighting over the hearts of the population. It isn’t even the pursuit of truth, but the pursuit of their truth. And why do they seek it? Well, because there is money to be made. There are some exceptions to this rule. Remember the poor Tesla. I say poor, because he lived and died in the poor house.

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He invented a way to give free electricity to everyone. Nobody wanted to invest in an invention that gave stuff out for free. If there is an invention that would raise people’s lifestyle without costing us a dime, you bet it will lack funding. This is just my long winded way of saying that I do not blindly believe in scientists. Only fools blindly believe in others. The so called evidence is no different than priests talking about miracles this, and Jesus that. Then again, I have always had a bone to pick with the scientific community. My main issue has to do with human experimentation. The good scientists of yonder like Carlos J. Finlay used to test on themselves, all their cookie vaccines. These days scientists test their sketching cures on poor, desperate people. They do not care about the side effects, as long as they get to put their name in the annals of medical history.

This my friends, this is the thing that I despise about the science community. This! I do not even know why they bother teaching those self-righteous bastards any ethics. It always comes in one ear, and it comes out the other. I suppose some things cannot be helped. Part of my reason for hating, well, hate is a strong world. Hate implies I am actually starting a movement or something to ruin them. I would prefer to say resent. That is still a bit too harsh. Let’s just say, whenever they say something awesome about their lots, I am always thinking about all the poor people they experimented on. I take this stance, because I too suffered from human experimentation early in my youth. The long and short of it, if scientists are looking for a lab rat, they only need to look in the mirror to find one. Well, I do not know how we went from mother being bored, to scientists being lying douches. There are exceptions, but we are all already familiar with the norm. Moving along, the anime drawing features a maiden in a purple dress with a purple bow. I drew her using my Morris Bamboo pens, and my Steadtler fineliners. I also used my Sta Metallic pens for finer details. I also used my Derwent coloring pencils as well. Hopefully, you will find this useful in your artsy projects. If not, well, at least you have my mental ramblings to amuse yourself with.

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