Anime Girl Playing the Adakka

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Anime Girl Playing the Adakka

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The Adakka is a Hindu drum. It is usually played during ceremonies. I like the silly drum because of the decorations. This is part of a silly series of anime drawings featuring musical instruments. I drew it with pens and coloring pencils. The pizza is here, so I am going to go away for a bit.

I love eating pizza. It is awesome to eat every so often. Yesterday, my brother saw a silly snake in the garden. He panicked a bit and we had to run. When we were inside we bothered to google the snake. It was harmless. It just eats rodents and lizards.

It is important to control the rodent population. We do not have any rats thanks to the snake and the silly cats. The snake was a garter snake. It is black with a yellow line. When brother saw it, he said the snake was in the middle of eating a lizard.

We were trying to open a hole to plant the money tree outside. The tree when it was indoors did not seem to be doing it well. We think they sold us the tree without roots. It was later when I googled it, I saw that the roots were those orange parts in the bottom of the tree.

The tree supposedly produces fruit and flowers. This is useful as far as gardening is concern. As far as digging the hole, we saw that there was an issue with the soil. After digging a couple of centimeters, we struck a solid spot. We tried smashing the ground a bit with the shovel, but it did not help.

The ground had that solid yellow and white stone. It felt like an entire sheet of it. It is porous enough for the water to pass through it. Over all, this explains why the roots of the tree are so shallow. It is not from lack of trying to dig deep.

In the end, we planted the silly tree on the floor and we went back indoors. As of now, we decided to leave the rocks and ferns alone. They are the home of the silly snake. I think this is just about it as far as my blogging nonsense goes. I hope you have fun.

artsy sister,yellow rose,gardening

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