Anime Girl Playing the Adungu Music Instrument

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Anime Girl Playing the Adungu Music Instrument

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This is my latest anime drawing of a maiden playing a weird looking music instrument. The adungu ,visually speaking, is a bit of a crossbreed between a harp and a drum. It has a sleek, charming design.

The instrument was created by the Alur folks of Northwestern Uganda. It can have between seven to ten strings. They come in various sizes, and dimensions. The instrument is made of a hollow piece of wood, covered in leather, and woven at the center.

It follows a diatonic scale. It can be played alone, or in a group. There is no standardized way of tuning the instrument. It is whatever floats the boat of the musician.

They are mainly used to outline the chords. They work along with tenor and bass instruments. I could not find when this lovely instrument was invented. It entered European history around the 18th century.

Still, the instrument’s lifespan could be way longer. It is all a matter of asking the Alur folks when it was invented. Still, oral history only goes so far back. Frankly, Europeans take history way to seriously, even though they are aware of the common human practice of historical revisionism.

Anyhow, if you are from African descent, or if you are a bored Westerner  please do give this lovely harp like instrument a shot. I feel like it has plenty of untapped potential, if only folks took it a little bit more seriously.

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