Anime Girl Playing the Apinti

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Anime Girl Playing the Apinti

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Today, I am going to start on a new silly book project. It seemed like a good a time as any to focus more on book writing. A such, some of the supply lines are going to drop a bit.I am just going to try not to make the new book a little bit long. Brother person is on vacation as such he is not going to read it till he gets back.

It is going to be one of those scary movie books. Hopefully, it will be nice and hip. I might even write a zombie book. I am just going to try all the genres to see what clicks. I am not too certain about doing that genre. If all else fails, I am going to try it.

Hopefully, I will not have to Game of Thrones my way out of my financial predicament. I suppose this is about it as far as my ramblings go. The Virgin Mary painting is progressing rather slowly. As for the drawing, it is a little bit old. I hope you like it a bit. It features an anime girl playing the apinti.

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