Anime Girl Playing the Bag Pipe

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Anime Girl Playing the Bag Pipe

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It has been quite the eventful couple of days. I am still trying to get one of those silly day jobs, but it is one of those works in progress. We got robbed a little bit in the physical world. I am not going to go into details. I do not want the thieves to know how the investigation is progressing.

Indeed, it is progressing. We were like the Witcher looking for clues and we did find two. Hopefully, this will help the cops do their job. If not, we leave it up to God to do justice on our behalf. It is not the first time we get robbed. Back in the old country, it occurred twice after my father died.

artsy sister,art supplies,header

We ended up getting a dog to ward off the thieves. Yesterday, we remembered why we had a dog in the first place. For the moment, we are fishing around for a guard dog. Still, we first need to get all the cards and IDs back. I was the only person who was not robbed from my family.

This is mainly due to the fact that I only carry my wallet with me when I have the intention of paying for something. I rarely intend to do that and so I never carry the wallet. All I have is my ID. At the time when the incident occurred, I was taking new photos for the header of the website.

artsy sister,anime girl,watercolor

IT is useful from time to time to change the look of it. The wig of the doll had just arrived. As such, I felt like it was a good a time as any to take the pictures. I took about six and I replaced the links of them. At the time, I felt there was something a little off.

I had one of those primordial type of fears. You know the type. IT is when you feel that something terrible is about to occur, and you do not know what it is. Anyhow, the crickets did noticed the thieves. They stopped making noise for a bit, as they approached the house.

artsy sister,header,teresita blanco

In the future, we will take our cricket alarm more seriously. I think this is enough with that nonsense. I want to put what occurred in the past. Hopefully something good will come out of all this mess.

For the moment, enjoy my new silly anime drawing. IT features a maiden playing the bag pipe. I also have all the photos of the old header. This is useful for people to remember what the old website looked like. For now, have fun and wish me luck on my quest of getting a little day job.

artsy sister,anime girl,art supplies

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