Anime Girl Playing the Bucina

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Anime Girl Playing the Bucina

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Bucina is a pretty old musical instrument. It was played during the Roman and Greek times. The reference drawing was taken from a wall relief. I chose to draw this instrument because it looked rather interesting. Instead of dressing her like a roman maiden, I chose to dress her like a mori anime girl.

As of lately, I have been working on completing my collection of short stories. The short stories are based on silly dreams of mine. They do not come so often. When they do, I write them down around the edges. Some of them are based on real world places that I have never been to.

I only notice when I google the description of the places. When there is a noticeable setting in the stories, it is because I recognized the dream places in the real world. It is all just a way of passing the time as all. I really should try to look for a real world publisher, but it is such a bother.

There is a lot of online websites on the matter. Still, there are not a lot of places that seem legit. All the publishing websites seem like they are ran by evildoers. The couple that do seem legit have a lot of requirements. Most of the them require a representative and they only want solicited manuscripts.

The time I spent trying to get stuff published is time I spend writing. This is why I switched to self-publishing. It isn’t perfect. Everything is done in the Amazon. They publish whatever I send to them. I suppose it is because I am a good writer type of fellow.

The sales have been slow and steady. I still have a couple of short stories to add. On average, the stories are about 3 pages each. You get a nice beginning, middle and end. I learned of short stories from Graham Greene.

While books are long stories, short stories at most last a day or a couple of hours. I think this is about it as far as my nonsense is concerned. I am also going to feature a lovely rose photograph. The same stem produced three different photos. Let us move along shall we.

artsy sister,yellow rose,white rose

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