Anime Girl Playing the Cornet

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Anime Girl Playing the Cornet

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Saturday has been quite calm and relaxing. I have been working as of lately making silly drawings and the like. This is just one of a couple of them. I am almost halfway done with the miniseries. I think I am going to post the main one in the form of a coffee table book.

After I am done with the music playing nonsense, I am going to go back to my pose book. It is always useful to practice figure drawing. I used to post most of the lot in the old days. I stopped because I remember that people be prudes as all. This brings me back to this silly drawing of mine.

It features an anime girl playing a cornet. I drew the maiden based on a photo. The dress and hair do not match the original. It was originally a dude playing the cornet. Once you have a proper pose, you can dress up the character however you want. Most fabrics are pretty self-explanatory.

Gravity affects objects in a pretty similar fashion. There is one thing that is bothering me around the edges. The red roses keep losing their buds after two days. Part of the issue has to do with the wind. It is pretty strong as of lately. It tends to make a mess of the flowers.

It takes their humidity pretty easily. Yesterday, it rained a bit, which was great. I think I am going to add another flower photo. I am just trying to keep the blogs fresh, and looking quite bright. I suppose I might say more about the Cornet. The cornet is similar to the trumpet and it is made of brass.

It was invented by the 1824. Cornets are mainly used in symphonic orchestras. They were also rather well liked during the early days of jazz. I think this is enough information about the cornet. The drawing was made with mixed media 80 lbs paper. It was drawn with pens and coloring pencils. I hope you like a lot of this silly drawing of mine.

artsy sister,roses,gardening

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