Anime Girl Playing the Firebird Trumpet

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Anime Girl Playing the Firebird Trumpet

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The Firebird Trumpet is a variant form the regular trumpet. It was the favorite instrument of a Jazz musician. He was called Dizzy Gillespie. He ended up creating his own by leaning against his own trumpet.

This is at least what my Jazz teacher used to say. It was based on a book with Jazz players telling silly stories of their past. I think this is enough about the silly musical instrument. I am still working on my Virgin Mary painting. It is taking a pretty long time to complete.

I am now working on the skin portion of the painting. It is the smallest part of the painting, but the easiest one to mess up. One mistake and the painting is ruined. This is about it as far as my nonsense goes. Other things happened yesterday, but I do not want to think about it. See you later then.

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