Anime Girl Playing the French Horn

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Anime Girl Playing the French Horn

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Today is one of those mellowed out type of days. I have not been feeling particularly amused as of lately. Everything bores me, even the Silly Devil May Cry game. It has been like forever since I played something enjoyable. Even the drawings seem particular boring.

I think I am going to press on with my nonsense regardless. One must always take a step forward. I do not know why nothing particularly thrills me for the most part. I think I might want a different, silly repetitive game. It is such a pity that it takes so long to get somewhere.

As for the drawing, it is nothing too imaginative. It is just an anime girl playing the French horn. I started the series because I did not measure the size of the paper. I ended up getting the wrong type of notebook. Now, I am stuck with it. I took on this task because a fellow suggested I make something as so.

This is the last time I listen to people from deviant art. I do not even like musical instruments. Certainly, not enough to spend time drawing them. I am as of now more interested in silly poses. I am making a series of them based on paintings. It might eventually publish them in a book.

Most people when they draw poses, they just draw the body. I prefer to draw the rest of the character with a degree of transparency. The important thing is to be able to see all the complete form. I have already posted a few in the website.

I decided to stop cause of reasons. After this series, I will start my birds of paradise ballerina book. I think I will then do sharks. Sharks are a lot of fun and they have a great personality. I think my food is burning, so artsy sister over and out.

artsy sister,roses,red hair

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