Anime Girl Playing the Hand pan

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Anime Girl Playing the Hand pan

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This is not the fanciest of musical instruments. It is just a hand pan. Practically any fellow can get one of those, I think. In the future, I am going to have a lot of hand pans. I think it would be a good addition to the website. This is just my longwinded way of saying that I am going to have musical instruments on my store.

From today onward, there is going to be some minor changes going on. While the change is happening, you are going to see a lot of weirdness. This is having to do with my brother adding a new script to the store that is going to make it a lot better. The only downside is that it is going to look odd as all.

This doesn’t matter too much in the long scheme of things. Also, I am still waiting to get more pageviews and the like. As such, it won’t matter too much the changes. On the meantime, I am going to be adding more products and the like. I do so hope you find it useful. This drawing of mine took about an hour or so to complete. The paper is not too big.

I made a mistake with the size of the paper and I was too lazy to return it. I am pretty lazy most of the time. I am always experimenting with new paper. I should get around to featuring the new items and the like. On the meantime, here is a pretty drawing and a photograph of one of my rose bushes.

As of lately, we have been thinking of going to the theater. We decided not to because money is getting a little bit tight around the edges. There is still the matter of the bike.

I am not too keen on getting that for the mother because a lot of people have gotten ran over while ridding bikes. The drivers just do not respect pedestrians and people on bicycles. I think this is just about it as far as my nonsense goes. See you later then.

artsy sister,red roses,gardening

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