Anime Girl Playing the Hydrophone

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Anime Girl Playing the Hydrophone

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I heard of the hydrophone a couple of years ago. I was researching cookie instruments when I came upon it. It is like a piano or an organ. It uses water to produce the sound. When you close up a water button, it produces a sound. There are a couple of hydrophones installed in Canada.

You can even get a hot tub that also serves as a mini hydrophone. IT serves as a good conversation piece and whatnot. It is ideal for people who do want more out of their hot tub. I think this is just about it as far as the hydrophone goes. It is just a cookie instrument.

The anime girl is wearing a silly mori dress. It seemed like something fun for her to wear when playing the instrument. I drew this a couple of months ago. My silly Hollow Knight parody is progressing well. I have been a little bit bored lately. It took sometime for the internet to come back yesterday.

It had to do with the freaky bad weather. It seems like a lightning struck the Comcast dish or something. Most people assume that cable is cable, but it is not. They use a satellite like everyone else. The only difference is that it is one really large dish feeding a bunch of houses.

Perhaps I am just talking nonsense. I could just google it, but I just don’t feel like it. I think this is just about it as far as my writing goes. I am also going to include a silly some silly flowers of mine.

The roses came out real pretty a couple of days ago. They are all looking kinda shriveled up because of the storm. There is one good thing about the rains. It cause some silly seeds I planted to germinate. I think it might be them.

artsy sister,gardening,cute flowers

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