Anime Girl Playing the Spoon

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Anime Girl Playing the Spoon

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The spoon is typically associated with food. Still, it has been used as a musical instrument since the beginning of time. Kids use spoons as instrument since they are old enough to hold it. In later years, they are used as a drumming type of instrument.

It mainly sounds silly, but just look it up. I even have some professional spoons, for the music department. I recently created a musical collection. I was looking through musical instruments for my drawings. It was then when I felt like adding some music to my art store.

Music does belong to the liberal arts. As such, it made sense for the type of thing I was doing in my website. I hope you like my new anime drawing. I plan to expand the music segment in the future. I am going to add music sheets and songbooks. I think both are real useful for music type of people.

I think this is about it as far as my nonsense. We recently started editing my books. We are going to make them look nicer and the like. The new version is getting extended distribution. So, I am going to be pretty busy as of lately.

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