Anime Girl Playing the Stroh Violin

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Anime Girl Playing the Stroh Violin

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The Stroh Violin looks like the love child of the Violin and the Trumpet. All joking aside, I am going to tell you a little something about this fun looking instrument.

This London instrument was invented by John Stroh in 1899.  This instrument is much louder than the common violin.

It was created in order to make recording the sound of the violin easier. It became quite commonplace in all recording studios, by the 1920s.

It was eventually displaced when record companies switched to electric microphones. The instrument itself was expensive back in the old days.

It was typically used in small theaters or music halls. Even today, the instrument gets used.

Aside from its silly look, the Stroh violin is basically a violin with a rudimentary amplifier.

Anyhow, I hope you find this information about the Stroh Violin amusing. This is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, Bye and God bless.

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