Anime Girl Playing the Triangle

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Anime Girl Playing the Triangle

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The triangle is one of the most humble instruments out there. It doesn’t require too many skills to play. It is all a matter of timing. Then again, I never played the triangle before. I got myself one of those silly Kaitosoft little Chibi games. They are nothing too complicate. It helps keep me entertained.

It plays different from all the other games of this brand that I have. It helps pass the time. Brother person is still fooling around in Orlando. On the meantime,  I am just here doing nothing. I would be doing the same thing regardless. I am not too keen on the whole new book writing nonsense.

Still, I have the follow through that many writers lack. My folk showed an interest in workshopping a book. Now, they have all gone their separate ways. This reminds me that I should try to make some fancy writing titles for my books. It might help in the selling a little bit.

Still, that is going to take some time to get it done just right. I should just use some medieval letters and call it quits. I think this is just about it as far as my nonsense goes. I hope you like my new anime drawing. The painting is progressing slowly. Once I finish the robes, it will be officially done.

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