Anime, Spirographs and Patterns Drawings Cute
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I wanted to show you some of the stuff I made this last two weeks. I would have posted sooner, but I slowed down the production line a bit.
I have been working myself ragged. So, I needed a rest. Like before, I made a bunch of spirographs. I try to keep the designs fresh.
This is easier said than done. I can only turn the wheel so many times. I also made a few anime fanarts and a bunch of pokemon.
I figured that they were easy to draw and well liked. I made my fist set of Zentangle patterns. I felt that it would be nice to try new shapes to draw.
I think this is about it as far as my nonsense is concerned. I hope that these drawings make you smile. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.