Art Deco Tree Mirror

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Art Deco Tree Mirror

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A couple of weeks ago, we made this fancy mirror. I made it with my family. We did some trail drawings, and then we painted the mirror. We used Winsor and Newton paint. I bought a decent amount of it. The mirror was getting a little bit rotten outside.

Instead of throwing it away, we decided to salvage it. It looks pretty cool now. The black portion was the spot when it was the most rotten. I then added some varnish to help protect the paint. The wheels were made with a bit of glitter.

The main issue with the painting had to do with the wood. It took a lot of paint to get the yellows just right. So far, it has been looking great just outside. Brother person returned from his vacation. It did not end up being too entertaining.

The person he took was being a bit of a heel. I hope we never have to deal with that selfish, person ever again. I think this is about it as far as my nonsense goes. I hope you like this fancy little craft project I made with my family. We are a small family, but we are a tight family.

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