Artsy Sister’s Christmas Tree with Gold and Red Balls

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Artsy Sister’s Christmas Tree with Gold and Red Balls

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The year 2020 is almost over. It started pretty nicely, and then everything went sour.

artsy sister, christmas tree,cute

Sometimes they lift you up, in order to smack you against the floor with great speed.

artsy sister, christmas ornaments, xmas tree

After January, things have been pretty hectic, and sometimes intolerable.

artsy sister, christmas tree, xmas tree

With the staying at home nonsense, I got a couple of new books published here and there.

artsy sister, xmas tree, christmas

I also started doll theater. I have been getting a little better with Doll Theater as time progresses.

artsy sister, christmas tree, xmas tree

Some skits are good, and others are ok. It is all a matter of straying creative.

artsy sister, christmas tree, xmas tree

I think for next year, I am going to try to get more props. For that reason, I will see if I can get some decent amount of clay, and some wood.

artsy sister, xmas tree, christmas tree

I am not good at making stuff, but I can try.

artsy sister, christmas tree, xmas tree

Everything is a learning experience. How is one to learn to make new things if one never tries.

christmas tree, xmas tree, artsy sister

Learning stuff from the time one as a kid, is not the only way to acquire a skill.

artsy sister, xmas tree, christmas tree

With age, it may become harder, but it only becomes impossible when you finally give up. As long as you have life, you can learn.

artsy sister, christmas tree, xmas tree

As it is our family tradition, we always set up the Christmas tree, just after Thanksgiving.

artsy sister, christmas tree, xmas tree

For Thanksgiving, we went to Wahoo in the Florida Keys. We ate fancy fish, and we brought home a Key Lime Pie, and a Cheesecake.

artsy sister, christmas tree, xmas tree

At first, we were going to just buy a bunch of random food.

artsy sister, christmas tree, xmas tree

On the way to the store, we changed our mind and went to Wahoo, instead. Everything went fine, except for mother’s literal misstep. She scrapped her knee bad.

artsy sister, christmas tree, cute tree

This made me feel really sad. After we had our dinner, I felt better. When we concluded our meal, we went back home to put some more ice on her knee. Despite this misstep, the day was rather nice.

artsy sister, christmas, xmas tree

We where able to take down one of the those blue mythical pokemon. You know, those little blue psychic pokemon.

artsy sister, christmas tree, xmas tree

I forget their names. There is like 800 or so Pokemon now, but only one that I want to see more of.

artsy sister, christmas tree, nativity

The following day we did the Christmas tree. It was fun to get this done, with just the three of us.

artsy sister, christmas tree, xmas tree

None of mother’s friends invited us to Christmas or Thanksgiving, which is fine.

artsy sister, christmas tree, xmas tree,

There is a plague or something. Perhaps, we are just not hip anymore. I suppose some things cannot be helped. As the sims game shows, relationships are like plants.

artsy sister, christmas tree, christmas

If you do not water them, they will not grow. As for the tree, we decided to put it next to the dining table. There was room there, and a plug. We can see it from the couch.

christmas tree, xmas tree, artsy sister

We used red and gold ornaments for the tree. I think it came out rather nicely. I am happy that it still works. I took a bunch of photos of the tree, and even a little video.

It might or might not be online, at this very moment. I hope things are going well for you, and that you are having fun.

artsy sister, ribbon, xmas tree

Bye, Bye, and God Bless. We need all the prayers in the world, if we are going to make it out of 2020, in one piece. Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays.

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