Baby Orchid and Adult Mantis Ink Art

alcohol ink, ink, painting -

Baby Orchid and Adult Mantis Ink Art

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Baby animals are typically cute. This little Mantis is adorable, if you like ants. He cosplays as an ant, until he grows big enough to hunt.

Their adult form resembled an orchid. I started by painting the background. He is standing on a little green leaf. The background is the sunset. I also painted the adult version.

I used black paper to capture the vivid pinks. Orchid mantis mimic the colors of orchid flowers. They sit there among the flowers waiting for their foot to come to them.

Their four legs resemble petals. I made a video of both of these little bugs. You can check them out in my Artsy Sister Youtube and Tiktok channels. Please like and subscribe. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

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