Barbie Party Blue Heart and Pattern Dress

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Barbie Party Blue Heart and Pattern Dress

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This is my latest Barbie photoshoot. I have been window shopping for new Barbies. I think there is room for a new doll in my ensemble.

I still haven’t decided which doll I want to get. On the meantime, enjoy these familiar faces. They are the Barbie Movie Barbie and the Signature Teresa doll. Both do pose rather well.  

However, the blonde barbie is a little stiff. Not that it matter too much in the long scheme of things. In any case, both are sporting blue dresses. They do look rather pretty indeed in their nice little outfits. 

I still have a decent number of dresses that they have yet to wear. I will get around to it, when I get around to it. I do not want to use up all my content. I think I ranted enough about the dolls for one day.

Don’t forget to see the video in my Youtube Artsy Sister channel. Please like and subscribe. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

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