Basket In The Basement Voodoo Magic Dolls and Etsy

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Basket In The Basement Voodoo Magic Dolls and Etsy

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Today thru some very sad, Etsy related circumstances I ran into the artist known as "The ScrapBasket In the Basement User name : BasketInTheBasement" A few days ago we had joined the Etsy affiliate program to supplement the products we already have from amazon, We thought this would be a good idea cus Etsy has alot of really amazing artists and this is Artsy Sister, a site devoted to artists and art supplies, Seemed like a match made in heaven. Little did we know that Etsy does not inform the artists that their products are part of the affiliate program and posts products without the artist consent. now I am sure Etsy has some shady statement in their TOS explaining  this but the fact that they do this without letting the artist know that its happening is very impolite and downright shady. It is for that reason that Artsy Sister decided not to work with Etsy EVER again, until they clean up their act and give their OC artist the respect they deserve.

"Basket in the Basement" was the artist that told me this was happening and that the issue of was only getting worst and worst as time passed. They also told me that creating counterfeit products and selling them on other sites, imitating their OC creations was also becoming more and more common. Its an issue that kills the creative process and makes it difficult for anyone to want to pursue arts and craft in a professional way.

So now that I've explained how I met this artist lets take a look at the artworks they do. ( I use gender neutral pronouns to be safe :p )

I really hope this voodoo doll works, I'm going to get my second dose today and I wont lie, I'm a lil bit scared.  Get it here


Kinda need one of each cus I'm tired of this political dog fights lol.  See them here


if you cant tell from the cover, this is my all time favorite one. I miss my QPP and haven't seen her in over a year now thanks to world situation

there are many others with various themes on the Etsy Page

Point is that Artists Like Basket in the basement are the true value behind Etsy and Its kinda sad to see Etsy taking liberties with their OC creations. Give support to the OC creators and if you see imitators, Report em, idk to who, just report them and make sure OC creators get all the love and appreciation they deserve.

" It just seems to becoming a bigger problem these days." - OC Artist

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